Language Requirements


Language requirements


Almost all the teaching offer at the School of Architecture is carried out in italian language, except for the ICAD degree programme (entirely taught in english) and some of the thematic seminars. An official certiticate of Italian B1 level is required at the application.


  • Italian language courses - At your arrival in Florence you can attend a free italian language course at the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - CLA   by registering in their website (more information under the section Italian L2 or writing to
    infoitaliano[at] ).

Please note that the Italian Language Course is not an academic exam and does not provide ECTS credits or mark, so it cannot be added to your Learning Agreement and it won't be certified in your official transcript of records.


  • Courses in english - In order to attend successfully courses held in english we highly reccommend students to have at least a B2 level of competence.

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